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High production ability and qualified products with full export experience helps GOWIN ART to gain good reputation and more customers. More information, welcome to contact us...

Stretched artist canvas boards

Professional on manufacturing and suppling stretched artist canvas boards


    Our stretcher artist canvas using fir or paulownia strether bars. Beside the 8 normal storage size (18x24cm; 24x30cm; 30x40cm; 40x50cm; 50x60cm; 60x80cm; 50x70cm; 70x90cm), different sizes are available. We also have Special canvas frames(triangular and round), mini size.

Normal Storage Size, you can buy different size any time:
18x24cm 24x30cm 30x40cm 40x50cm
50x60cm 60x80cm 50x70cm 70x90cm
  Antique canvas frames  

  Canvas frame set   Paulownia canvas frames   Fir wood canvas frames  

  Special canvas frames   Mini canvas frames      

Stretching ways:
   NSSB: Nails on Side & Staples on Back
   SS:     Staples on Side
   NS:     Nails on Side
   SB:     Staples on Back
   SF:     Staple free

   18mm (3/4")
   38mm (1-1/2")
   63mm (2-1/2")
   75mm (3")


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        tina.ren@foxmail.com    xfq453@hotmail.com