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Fir wood stretcher bars

Professional on manufacturing and suppling fir, pine and paulownia stretcher bas

    Our stretcher bars are designed for easy assembly, we only use timber kiln dried to 8%-12% moisture content.

    Our selection of fir wood art stretcher bars have sizes: 14x30mm 18x37mm 18x40mm 38x35mm 37x36mm 37x25mm 30x40mm 40x40mm, includes Economy design stretcher bars, Standard design stretcher bars, Economy Gallery Wrap stretcher bars, Gallery Wrap stretcher bars and Plane stretcher bars.

    Beside the 8 designes, we are also welcome for clients' require designes.

Item Deimensions: Deep x Width Type Material Particular
FR1430 16 x 30mm Line Fir wood Economy design stretcher bars
FR1837 18 x 37mm Line Fir wood Standard design stretcher bars I
FR1840 18 x 40mm Line Fir wood Standard design stretcher bars II
FR3835 38 x 35mm Round-arc Fir wood Gallery Wrap stretcher bars I
FR3736 37 x 36mm Incline Fir wood Galler Wrap stretcher bars II
FR3725 37 x 25mm Incline Fir wood Economy Galler Wrap stretcher bars
FR3040 30 x 40mm Plane Fir wood Plane stretcher bars I
FR4040 40 x 40mm Plane Fir wood Plane stretcher bars II

Fir wood
      Effect picture

Line                    size: 16x30mm 18x37mm 18x40mm

Round-arc           size: 38x35mm
Incline                size: 37x36mm 37x25mm
Plane                 size: 30x40mm 40x40mm

Hatch of line Hatch of incline Hatch of round-arc 45 tangential angle

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        tina.ren@foxmail.com    xfq453@hotmail.com